Quantum Technologies

Today, we are witnessing a scientific and technological revolution in which information science and quantum mechanics have been united into the common field of Quantum Information Science and Technology. We work on building next generation quantum devices and materials and explore their applications ranging from inherently secure communication and processing of information, to ultrasensitive sensors and transducers for precision metrology.

Project Modules

2D Magnetic Semiconductors

The chromium chalcogen halides (CrXH) are an emerging family of 2D semiconductors with a direct bandgap, highly anisotropic structural and electronic properties, and robust magnetic order with ordering temperatures up to room temperature. We seek to understand and engineer interactions between the magnetic order in CrXH compounds and the excitons they host. The unique magnetic and optical properties of CrXH materials present unique opportunities to develop spintronic devices with magnetic and optical controllability.


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Duis at sodales sapien. Donec nec justo dictum, vulputate tortor vitae, placerat dui. Pellentesque cursus ultricies mauris rutrum tristique. Nam sit amet leo ut dui tincidunt pretium eget quis sem. Morbi et nisi tellus. Vestibulum ullamcorper, elit ac sollicitudin blandit, risus risus egestas mauris, eu sagittis dolor lorem et ligula. Duis odio purus, rhoncus vitae nisl at, accumsan egestas sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi est ipsum, sollicitudin sit amet finibus at, sollicitudin ut purus. Duis varius eget quam a dictum. Cras in eleifend justo. Etiam vel aliquam odio.

Synthetic superlattices and quantum simulation

Superlattices are artificial, periodic potentials which are used to confined particles and quasiparticles such as atoms, electrons, or excitons. If the trapped quasiparticles are allowed to interact, the resulting many-body state can capture essential behaviors of canonical quantum many-body theories (e.g. the Hubbard model). Such artificial quasiparticle lattices are often called analogue quantum simulators. A bit like a quantum wind tunnel, the quantum simulator serves as an engineerable scale model of a real physical system (electrons or other particles in a real crystalline solid) which allows us to probe complicated many-body physics with a high level of control. Such many-body physics are often hard to describe or predict theoretically, so our quantum simulators provide a route to benchmark leading theories and discover new phases of matter beyond current theoretical predictions.


Our approach to quantum simulation is to create superlattices in 2D semiconductors by engineering an artificial electrostatic potential. This is accomplished by applying a bias voltage between a monolayer semiconductor and a nearby thin graphite layer which has been patterned with a periodic array of holes, generating a periodic potential/electric field profile in the 2D semiconductor layer which can trap charges. The depth of the superlattice potential can be easily tuned, and any lattice geometry can be implemented due to our top-down fabrication approach. We probe the superlattice devices using a combination of optical spectroscopy, relying on the natural sensitivity of the optically-active excitons to the correlated behavior of the charges in the superlattice, complemented by charge transport measurements. 



We love diamonds and the little nitrogen vacancy centers within them.